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  • 学 费:398000
  • 学 制:三年
  • 上课地点:上海、北京
  • 专业方向:工商管理
  • 招生院校:贝翰文大学
  • 关 注:

  About Belhaven University


  Highly-ranked Belhaven University stands among select colleges and universities with national influence and has been repeatedly named one of “America's 100 Best College Buys.” The University offers 70 areas of study including academic majors and concentrations across a full spectrum of disciplines, as well as a variety of master's degree programs.

  作为在美国极具影响力的学府之一,贝翰文大学连续多年入围“全美100所物超所值大学”榜 单。学校提供的学习项目涉及超过70个领域,涵盖各个学术专业和学科,以及各种硕士学位课程。

  Founded in 1883, today, the University has achieved the distinction of being among only 36 universities nationally accredited in each of the major arts—music, theatre, visual art and dance. The University's 15 athletic teams compete in the NCAA Division III.

  贝翰文大学成立于1883年,是全美仅有的各文体类专业(音乐、戏剧、视觉艺术、舞蹈等)均 被国家认可的36所大学之一。此外,贝翰文大学还有15支运动队进入了NCAA第三赛区比赛的角逐。

  Belhaven offers a high-quality education in a supportive environment with a 12:1 student to faculty ratio, where faculty and staff members are dedicated to academic rigor and grace-filled care.

  贝翰文大学始终坚持为学生提供高质量的教育服务。其1:12的师生比也是学校教职员工致力于严 谨的学术研究及贴心的人文关怀的一种体现。

  In total, Belhaven University serves 4,400 students offering undergraduate and graduate degrees at its Jackson residential campus, as well as an array of online, graduate and adult degree programs in Jackson and Desoto.

  目前,贝翰文大学不仅为其杰克逊校区的4,400名学生提供本科及研究生学位课程,同时也在杰 克逊和德索托校区提供一系列的在线课程、研究生课程以及成人学位项目。

  Welcome To Belhaven University


  Belhaven University is honored to welcome our Chinese students, and we look forward to you studying with us to earn your doctor of business administration degree. Our faculty are committed to you succeeding, and will provide help and support as you learn. They are always ready to answer questions, clarify material, and encourage you in your academic success.

  贝翰文大学欢迎我们的中国学生,我们期待您在学校努力学习并获得工商管理博士学位。我们的 教授致力于让您成功,并将在您学习的过程中提供帮助和支持。为您答疑解惑,并鼓励您在学术上 取得成功。

  THH Zhidao Education is highly respected in the United States for their commitment to quality education and service to students. Belhaven's partnership with THH Zhidao Education, brings together an excellent group of tutors and professors who provide learning support of our students in China, with the prestigious degree of Belhave n Uni versity in the Un ited States 一 ran ked with the top schools in America for academic prestige.

  清控至道教育因其对学生的优质教育和服务而备受尊敬。贝翰文大学与清控至道教育的合作,汇 聚了一批优秀的导师和教授,为我们的学生在中国提供学习支持,从而有机会获得在美国享有声望 的贝翰文大学学位。

  As president, I look forward to you learning the best in Western and Chinese business principles, and graduating with a degree that will prepare you for a significant career. Belhaven University cares about your success, and we welcome you to “our family” of students. You are important to us, and my faculty and I will always be available to help you succeed academically.

  作为贝翰文大学的校长,我期待看到您们学习最好的西方和中国的商业准则,并获得能为您们未 来的职业生涯添砖加瓦的学位。贝翰文大学关心您的成功,欢迎您加入我们这个大家庭。您是我们 这个大家庭很重要的一份子,我和我的教授团队们会一直在您身边,帮助您在学术上取得成功。

  Dr. Roger Parrott

  Roger Parrott 博士

  President Belhaven University 贝翰文大学校长


  Application & Admission


  Admission Requirements 申请条件

  ■Master's Degree or above*


  ■3.0 GPA or above


  ■Rich man ageme nt experie nee


  *Applicants hold a bachelor's degree with a deep management background can submit corresponding supporting materials for review and admission on the basis of merit.


  Admission Materials


  Applicants need to provide the following materials (digital copies) for review and admission: 申请人需提供以下材料(电子版):

  ■Applica tion Form (EN/CH)


  ■ID Copy (Both sides)


  ■Gradua tion & Degree Diploma, Crede ntials Reports 毕业证、学位证,及英文版认证报告

  ■Official Tran script


  ■Bus in ess card or Proof of Employme nt


  ■2 Recomme nda tion Letters


  ■2 inch photo



  Program Introduction


  The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is dissertation-based and integrates theory and practice in the business context. This program is designed to accelerate your business experience and equip you for a high- level position in numerous business sectors. The DBA offers you the opportunity to advance your knowledge and explore emerging business trends.

  工商管理博士 (DBA) 项目是以论文为基础的学位课程,致力于将理论与实践整合到商业环境中。 本课程旨在拓展学生的商业理论知识和经验,培养能够胜任众多业务领域高层管理工作的人才。参 与本项目的学员将有机会在提升专业知识储备的同时,探索新兴的商业趋势。

  Analytical skills acquisition and applied research are fundamental components of the DBA program. As a professional leader in business the DBA will help you apply sound business principles and leadership strategies to solve today's complex business issues.

  本课程着重培养学生的分析技能和应用研究能力。在竞争激烈的商业时代,DBA课程将帮助学生 成为专业的商业领袖,熟练应用健全的商业原则和领导策略,解决当今复杂的商业问题。

  This 60-hour Doctorate of Business Administration program incorporates a 12-credit hour research dissertation along with a blend of online learning and face-to-face residencies.

  工商管理博士 (DBA) 学位项目共包含60个课时的内容,其中12个课时为毕业研究论文的开题、 指导、答辩,其余课时为线上、线下学习部分。

  Program Webpage 项目网址

  https://g radinte rnational.belhaven.edu/dba-china.htm


  What can you do with a doctorate in business administration?

  工商管理博士 (DBA) 学位将为您带来哪些改变?

  An online DBA prepares students for leadership roles within a wide range of industries. The BLS says that 23 percent of chief executives are self-employed, and popular industries for chief executives include professional, scientific and technical services; government; manufacturing; and health care and social assistance. Roughly 30 percent of management consultants work in professional, scientific and technical services, while another 17 percent are self-employed.

  在线DBA可以帮助您在各行各业担任领导角色做好准备。据美国劳工统计局(BLS)统计,(全 部DBA毕业生中)23%的首席执行官拥有自己的企业。他们大多专注于专业、科学和技术服务、政 府、制造业以及医疗保健和社会援助等行业和领域。此外,约有30%的高层管理咨询顾问服务于专 业、科学和技术服务领域,另有17%则为企业所有者。





 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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