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  • 学 费:228000
  • 学 制:三年
  • 上课地点:上海
  • 专业方向:DBA
  • 招生院校:法国克莱蒙高等商学院
  • 关 注:

ESC Clermont: “School for Life”





克莱蒙高等商学院集团(Groupe ESC Clermont)拥有AACSB认证,是一所以其课程、国际合作伙伴的数量和质量、复合型能力、跨学科背景和双学位而闻名的商学院。来自企业、招聘人员和教育部门的评价是对我们的可靠性、我们高水平的教学和培训方法以及学生支持的认可。我们1.2万名毕业生的成功,恰好说明克莱蒙高等商学院集团(Groupe ESC Clermont)可以创造价值。我们的使命是培养具备良好管理知识的经理人和企业家,同时具备理解经济和商业世界的挑战和复杂性的能力,其中创造力和创新是成功决策、行动和行为的重要基础。
因此,我们项目的指导方针是提高创新能力,为每个学生提供良好的创业背景,并在经济和社会层面陪伴我们的学生——未来的价值提供者。校内实验室孵化器支持这个教育项目的目标,对我们的创业学生来说,它对管理和项目的成功具有真正的杠杆作用。得益于教师队伍的忠诚和致力于学生的成功,因此Groupe ESC Clermont凭借高质量的学位课程陪伴着学生、高管、工程师和负责任的管理者。克莱蒙高等商学院集团(Groupe ESC Clermont)一直是法国领先的商学院之一,拥有众多企业和强大的合作网络,拥有1.2万名毕业生。

学院介绍 ESC Clermont Introduction
克莱蒙高商About ESC Clermont
Groupe ESC Clermont是一所声誉卓著的法国商学院。ESC Clermont (法语全称:Ecole supérieure de commerce de Clermont-Ferrand),即克莱蒙费朗高等商学院,简称“克莱蒙高商”。它成立于1919年,由法国商务部、克莱蒙费朗市、康塞尔总理事会、商会和一些伙伴公司的支持而成立。从那时起,来自各行各业的12000多名男女学员从特鲁登校区学习毕业。
Groupe ESC Clermont is a well-established French Business School. ESC Clermont is the short name of Ecole supérieure de commerce de Clermont-Ferrand. It was founded in 1919, under the patronage of the Ministry of Commerce, the City of Clermont-Ferrand, the Conseil Général du Puy-de-Dôme (General Council), the Chamber of Commerce and several partner companies. Since then, more than 12,000 men and women from all walks of life have walked the grounds of the Trudaine campus.
With a resolutely glocal outlook, Group ESC Clermont has strong relationships with local, national and international economic stakeholders. It partnerships with some 100 Higher Education Institutions in more than 50 countries and has an ever increasingly enriched faculty composed of quality professors and researchers who are strongly committed to the Business School’s motto ”School for Life”.

克莱蒙高商是一所以学员为中心的商学院,以人为本,以双重能力、平等机会和多元化为全球战略。它是高等教育部为促进青年人(无论其社会经济背景和教育质量如何)获得教育机会而设立的Les cordez de la Reussite宪章的签署国和该组织的主要成员。
Groupe ESC Clermont is a learner-centric Business School organised on a human scale and promotes a global strategy with dual-competences and equal opportunities and diversity. It is a signatory of the charter of ’Les Cordées de la Réussite’ (a scheme set up by the Ministry of Higher Education to promote access for young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, and quality in education) and a leading member of the organisation.

随着学校庆祝100周年的展望,克莱蒙高等商学院坚定地转向各种现代教育学,数字世界和创业精神,旨在成为一个为来自不同的视野、网络和环境的所有利益相关者提供学习、实验和创新的场所。2014年创建的商学院校内的孵化器(SquareLab) 和2015年落成的Quartier des Labs土壤实验室(整合资源鼓励实施项目制,并最终提高毕业生的就业能力),这两项举措是推动克莱蒙高等商学院项目和未来战略的强有力的证据。
As the School looks to celebrate it’s 100th Anniversary, Groupe ESC Clermont is resolutely turned towards all kinds of modern pedagogy, the digital world and entrepreneurship and aims to be a place of learning and of experimentation and innovation for all its stakeholders from various horizons, networks and environments. The creation of the Business School’s intramural incubator in 2014 (SquareLab) and the inauguration in 2015 of its ‘Quartier des Labs’ (a combination of resources encouraging the implementation of projects and ultimately the employ ability of graduates), is powerful evidence of the dynamism driving Groupe ESC Clermont’s projects and strategy for the future.

学校重要数字  Key Figures of ESC Clermont
12,000 名毕业生遍布全球130个国家
在校国际学生超过300人,来自 50多个不同国家
兼职教员200 +

12,000 Graduates in 130 Countries
Approx. 1,200 Students
Over 300 International Students On the Campus from More than 50 Different Countries
9 Students Associations
43 Full-Time Faculty Members
200 + Adjunct Faculty Members
100 Higher Education Partners
200 Corporate Partners

国家教育部认可 Recognized by MOE
ESC Clermont是一所公立学校,成立于1919年。当法国教育部认为一些私立教育机构有助于公共教育服务时,它会给予认可。1919年成立时为领事机构的Groupe ESC Clermont立即获得了无限期的国家承认。这一认可证明了克莱蒙高等商学院作为高等教育机构的合法性和可靠性。
作为一所历史悠久,教育质量高,且获得AACSB认证的商学院,ESC Clermont 克莱蒙高等商学院也得到了中国教育部的官方认可。中法就此展开良好的国际交流及教育项目合作。共同为学生提供更多更好的学习途径和学习资源。
ESC Clermont now is a public school founded in 1919. The French Ministry of Education recognises some private institutions when it considers that they assist the public education service. Groupe ESC Clermont, a consular establishment when it was founded in 1919, immediately obtained state recognition for an indefinite period. This recognition certifies the legitimacy and the reliability of our Business School as a Higher Education establishment.
    As an AACSB-accredited business school with a long history and high quality of education, ESC Clermont is also officially recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Education. China and France have conducted sound international exchanges and cooperation in educational projects to provide students with more and better learning paths and resources.

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ESC Clermont Business School is accredited and recommended by the Chinese Ministry of Education(MOE)

获得AACSB认证 Accredited by AACSB
Groupe ESC Clermont自成立以来一直是国家认可的学校,这证明了它作为一个可靠的高等教育机构的合法性和稳固的声誉。自1985年以来,克莱蒙高等商学院一直是高等商学院会议(Conference des Grandes Ecoles)的成员;自1986年以来,一直是高等商学院管理学院(Chapitre des Grandes Ecoles de Management)的成员;并于2005年获得AACSB认证,获得国际认可。
ESC Clermont是拥有AACSB认证(国际高等商学院协会)的为数不多的商学院之一(全球不到5%的学校获得此认证)。AACSB国际认证提供对学校组织过程质量的独立评估 ,确保所提供课程的内容和质量符合既定的国际标准。
Groupe ESC Clermont has been a state-recognised School ever since its inception, which certifies its legitimacy and solid reputation as a reliable Higher Education Institution. ESC Clermont has been a member of the ‘Conférence des Grandes Ecoles’ since 1985, a member of the ‘Chapitre des Grandes Ecoles de Management’ since 1986, and has obtained international recognition with the awarding of the AACSB accreditation since 2005.
ESC Clermont is one of the few business schools to have an AACSB accreditation (less than 5 % of schools accredited worldwide). AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) provides an independent assessment of the quality of the school's organizational processes to ensure that the content and quality of the courses offered meet established international standards.
权威联盟成员 Authorized Alliance Members
ESC Clermont是多个国际知名联盟和机构的成员,例如:
Groupe ESC Clermont是Grandes Ecoles精英大学校(非营利性工程学校、管理学校和提供其他专业的高等教育机构的协会)的会员。

AGERA(The Alliance des Grandes Écoles Rhône-Alpes Auvergne )的成员,AGERA是法国最重要的商学院联盟之一。

EMBS联盟的创始成员之一,EMBS(欧洲管理和商业科学网络)目前有16家欧洲高等教育机构(大学和商学院)。Groupe ESC Clermont在1998年至2014年期间主持该联盟的工作,自2014年9月起负责其法律顾问和财务业务。

Groupe ESC Clermont是NIBES网络的活跃成员。NIBES(国际商学院和经济学院网络)拥有20所商学院和经济学院,分布在5大洲,其中包括2013年之前一直担任法律顾问的Groupe ESC Clermont,自1996年以来让Avec 5000名校友参与学生流动项目。

Groupe ESC Clermont是EFMD成员。EFMD(欧洲管理发展基金会)是全球最重要的商学院网络之一,作为该网络的一部分,为师生交流、知识共享和合作带来了许多机会。

ESC Clermont is a member of many internationally renowned alliances and institutions such as:
Groupe ESC Clermont is a membre de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (non-profit association of engineering schools, management schools and higher education institutions offering other specialities).

Groupe ESC Clermont is a member of the AGERA(The Alliance des Grandes Écoles Rhône-Alpes Auvergne ). The AGERA is one of the most important alliances of business schools in France.

Groupe ESC Clermont is a founding member of the EMBS consortium.The EMBS Net consortium (European Management & Business Sciences Network) today numbers 16 European higher education establishments (Universities and Business Schools). Groupe ESC Clermont presided this network between 1998 and 2014 and since September 2014 it is responsible for its legal counsel and treasury operations.

Groupe ESC Clermont is an active member of the NIBES network.The NIBES (Network of International Business and Economic Schools) numbers 20 Business and Economics Schools spanning over 5 continents, including Groupe ESC Clermont which was responsible for its legal counsel until 2013 and involves avec 5 000 Alumni in student mobility programmes since 1996.

Groupe ESC Clermont is member of EFMD. EFMD(European Fund for Management Development) is one of the key business schools networks in the world and being part of the network brings many opportunities for faculty and student exchanges, knowledge sharing and collaboration.

权威排名 Authorized Ranking
随着学校项目组合的发展,特别是与全球化商业世界不断变化的需求、创新和教学相适应的新课程的推出,克莱蒙高等商学院提供了全面的课程。创立于2007年的国际管理学学士或管理学硕士课程,在法国《费加罗报》(Le Figaro)排名和国际排名中都占据显著位置,而且经常上榜(英国《金融时报》榜单中前100名)。
2018年法国最好的商学院第22名——《法国费加罗报(Le Figaro)》排行榜。 该报纸创立于1826年,是法国第二大综合性日报。
最受研究生推崇的商学院第9名——法国《学生报(l’Etudiant) 》排行榜。

With the development of its Programmes portfolio, and in particular the introduction of new programmes that are aligned with the changing needs of the globalized business world, innovation and pedagogy, Groupe ESC Clermont has a comprehensive course offering. The Bachelor in International Management, created in 2007, or the Master in Management programme, both figure prominently and regularly in national rankings (Le Figaro) and international rankings (Top 100 of the Financial Times).

National rankings in France
22nd best French Business School – Le Figaro.fr 2018
Founded in 1826, Le Figaro is the second largest comprehensive daily newspaper in France.
9th most recommended business school by graduates – l’Etudiant

International rankings
Top 100 best Business School in the world  for a Master in Management in 2018 – Financial Times Ranking


培养对象 Target Students

Clermont-DBA mainly aims at achieving senior managers and entrepreneurs who have rich practical experience and have mastered certain management theories,especially students who expect to focus on breaking the status quo in the following three aspects:

Look forward to further raising one’s business vision to new global standards;
Meanwhile hope to break through the current thinking pattern of environment or what learned and practical management, and to absorb new thinking and upgrade the thinking mode from different perspectives or the global environmental resources and education;

Moreover look forward to leading employees or industry colleagues to a new height in the future  enterprise management , and successfully absorbing new knowledge and meeting new challenges in different times to achieve long-term, stable and sustainable development of the enterprises.

申请指南Application Guidance
申请条件 Application Requirements
Program applicants must have the following qualifications:
A master's degree in non-business administration or non-finance from an academic institution with at least 5 years of management experience;
Applicants who can’t meet the above qualifications should have at least 8 years of management experience, and should submit additional materials to the program office for special application.

申请材料Application Materials
基础材料 Basic Materials
* 提交申请时证件及证书只需要提供材料原件的扫描件(电子版),必要时协助出示相关证件原件。

 Basic Materials
(1)Application forms (Chinese and English version)
(2)Resume (Chinese and English version)
(3)Scanned copy of passport and ID card
(4)Scanned copies and translations of the highest degree certificates
(5)4 personal standard photos with 2-inch blue background

Additional Materials
(6)Work experiences certificate and related study experiences
(7)Research project plan to study for doctor's degree (1500-2000 words, Chinese and English version)
(8)2 recommendation letters
(9)Certificates of honor
(*Note: When submitting the application, applicants only need to provide scanned copies of the original documents (electronic version), and assist in presenting the original documents if necessary.)
申请流程Application Process

(1)Submit application materials mentioned above
(2)Review of the above materials by ESC Clermont admissions committee
(3)Applicants who pass the review , and then attend an interview(or else submit the additional materials)
(4)Attend an interview
(5)Pass the interview, and then issue the official admission letter of ESC Clermont
(6)Pay tuition ,register and other related fees
(7) Register and become an official student of Clermont-DBA


项目培养Program Cultivation
培养理念 Cultivation Concept
The Clermont-DBA program is committed to the centennial mission and values of Group ESC Clermont dedicated to educate and train our students to be agile and proactive managers, entrepreneurs and leaders in their enterprises and industries.
Through the study of the program, students will have a global business vision and understanding ability, and be rooted in the management theory and business practice in the professional field to enhance the highly practical management.

培养方向 Cultivation Direction
Clermont-DBA 项目通过高级企业经营者必须具备的四个维度的能力,即全球化能力、可持续发展能力与学习能力、科学逻辑能力、以及理论应用能力的专业性培养,具体从以下几方面促进学员提升:

Clermont-DBA program aims to empower excellent leaders with four capabilities, namely, globalization capability , sustainable growth capability,scientific thinking and logic capability and application capability of management theory.Specifically promote students from the following aspects:
Systematically endowed with knowledge of the fundamentals of Business Administration;
capable of understanding the challenges and complexity of the economic and business world in a globalized environment; meanwhile explore and develop frontier management theory;
creators of value from an economic, social and societal standpoint.

项目优势Program Advantages
Clermont-DBA Program will leverage the sino-french and global research ecosystem (Programmes /Labs /Research), be in close cooperation with our public and private partners,produce and publish knowledge  together with students, and improve development in companies and organizations as well as support the regional economic development and attractiveness.Following the centennial history of Group ESC Clermont, the Clermont-DBA Program has five dominant advantages:
Academic excellence
Groupe ESC Clermont is one of the oldest business schools in France. Since its establishment in 1919, the School has continually been successful in graduating business leaders through its faculty of experienced professors and professionals.Therefore, students of Clermont-DBA Program will be provided with high quality teaching and academic services.

Strong partnerships
Groupe ESC Clermont has partnerships with over 100 leading international business schools and universities. The school also has close ties with many national SMEs and international corporations. Clermont-DBA Program will be taught in English, so that students can improve their international thinking and cognition, and meanwhile their international language ability will be improved,which will better promote the globalization of students' career development.

在AACSB认证的商学院中,克莱蒙高等商学院名列全球前5%——AACSB认证是全球商学院最重要的认证之一。根据英国《金融时报》和费加罗(Figaro) /“Etudiants”排行榜,它也是法国和欧洲最好的商学院之一。
World’s top 5% of business schools
Groupe ESC Clermont is counted amongst the world’s top 5% of business schools that is AACSB-accredited ---one of the most important accreditations for Business Schools worldwide. It is also one of the best business schools in France and Europe according to the Financial times and Figaro/”Etudiants” rankings.

Top quality of student life
Clermont-Ferrand, located in the heart of France, is recognized as one of the best student cities in the country with a total of 42,000 students. The city is also among the most suitable places to study.
Students of Clermont-DBA Program will enjoy good opportunities for international study Tours and visits to study in the Alma mater.

Leading GDA alumni platform
As a leader in the field of higher business school education in China, CPMC (Co-progess Education Group) has the unique ability of education globalization and a two-way alumni resource platform, which coincides with the Group ESC Clermont of highly international partnerships and enterprise networks. Both parties will work together to provide students with high-quality learning programs and education services.

课程体系Curriculum System
学习概况 Study Overview

Program Duration: The program duration is 3-year(on-job learning)
Course Arrangement: It is divided into two phases. In the first and second years, students will study core courses. Among the first one and half years, students will begin to prepare on thesis writing ,that is to determine the research direction and topic, and submit the thesis proposal report; and then according to the arrangement of the program academic center, students should finish the thesis writing and defense in the third year to successfully graduate and obtain a doctor's degree.In order to help the doctoral candidate complete the final thesis and defense, the program academic center will arrange corresponding thesis supervisors according to the students' research topics.
Teaching Mode: Small VIP class, during which themed seminars, forums, lectures and other activities will be arranged
Teaching Language: Chinese, English with on-site Chinese professional interpreter
Teaching Location: Domestic place: Shanghai or other cities in China; Oversea place: ESC Clermont in France
During the study, there will be opportunities for students to attend industry seminars, lectures of famous scholars, trips to French Alma mater and international seminars.
Teaching Time: Intensive classes will be taught on weekends with 2-3 days per month (on Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

课程构成Course Structure
Clermont-DBA Program is to cultivate the entrepreneurial thinker with global perspective, fusion thinking and sustainable development ability.The program willultimately promote students’ thoughts breakthrough and upgrade development practice through providing students with courses of cognition, academic research , management and others , combining with the enterprise cases and the latest development trend of in-depth analysis and exploration.

In addition to ensuring students' comprehensive knowledge input, Clermont-DBA Program will also provide students with an outlet platform for knowledge theory and practical experience. Students can participate in small lectures hold by graduates, specialized salons, thoughts debates and enterprises management and consultation services.

师资智库Faculty Team
ESC Clermont Program has gathered famous professor both at home and abroad. They have abundant practical experience and profound theoretical foundation, the high level of literacy. Each professor of the faculty team has at least 15 years teaching and management experience in related field, so they can provide the DBA students with forefront academic thoughts, the most scientific theory support, combined with China's national conditions at the same time, in view of globalization provide students with the perfection of scientific transformation between theory and practice experience.

学术体系Academic System
学术委员会Academic Committee
During the study, the academic committee of ESC Clermont program will arrange the corresponding Chinese and French supervisors and related team to hold thesis workshops for instructing the thesis writing according to students' research topics so as to ensure that they can improve their academic thinking and successfully complete the thesis and defense.

“小黑屋”实训营 The “Black Room” Thesis Training Camp
#实训营宗旨# Purpose of the Training Camp

The purpose of the training camp is to inherit the essence of Eastern management, blend Eastern and Western management ideas, and create a paradigm for management research. By studying the business models and internal mechanisms of Chinese and Western companies, based on case studies, quantitative research and mixed research, we will promote the innovation of Eastern enterprise management theory, build a management model suitable for China, and at the same time, promote the academic branding of entrepreneurs and help them to become entrepreneurial thinkers.

#实训营目标# Objective of the Training Camp

During the study, the training camp will provide effective connection and support between courses and thesis, and also provide professional guidance for some students to publish academic results and promote case studies. In the process of academic exploration, we pay more attention to cultivating and shaping students' ability to focus
on and dig deep on core issues, the critical thinking ability of the status quo of research, as well as the ability to grasp and express innovative ideas.

#实训营服务# Services of the Training Camp

The "Black Room" Training Camp focuses on practicality and companionship. According to the module dismantling, the following eight parts will be used to guide the students' thesis writing, and finally improve students’ academic research ability:

文献综述Literature Review
研究假设(案例研究)Research Hypothesis (case study)
研究结论与展望Research Conclusions and Prospects
文献检索Literature Retrieval
模型构建Model Building
数据分析与结果Data Analysis and Results
论文特训 Thesis Special Training


课程体系Curriculum System
学习概况 Study Overview

Program Duration: The program duration is 3-year(on-job learning)
Course Arrangement: It is divided into two phases. In the first and second years, students will study core courses. Among the first one and half years, students will begin to prepare on thesis writing ,that is to determine the research direction and topic, and submit the thesis proposal report; and then according to the arrangement of the program academic center, students should finish the thesis writing and defense in the third year to successfully graduate and obtain a doctor's degree.In order to help the doctoral candidate complete the final thesis and defense, the program academic center will arrange corresponding thesis supervisors according to the students' research topics.
Teaching Mode: Small VIP class, during which themed seminars, forums, lectures and other activities will be arranged
Teaching Language: Chinese, English with on-site Chinese professional interpreter
Teaching Location: Domestic place: Shanghai or other cities in China; Oversea place: ESC Clermont in France
During the study, there will be opportunities for students to attend industry seminars, lectures of famous scholars, trips to French Alma mater and international seminars.
Teaching Time: Intensive classes will be taught on weekends with 2-3 days per month (on Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

项目费用Tuition Fee
The Clermont-DBA program fee includes: admission interview fee, tuition fee and overseas service fee; but the program study tour expenses of international travel expenses and the accommodation expenses in France are not included . (If in doubt, please consult Clermont-DBA Program China Office)


学业要求 Study Requirement

To graduate successfully, students should meet the following requirements :
Students are required to complete credits for all courses;
Complete each course assignment on time with a score of 10/20;
Each course will assess the attendance, students who do not meet the requirements recorded as absenteeism, and no course grades.
(* Students who cannot attend the course on time should apply to the learning supervisor for adjust the schedule in advance.)

论文要求  Thesis Requirement

Students are required to complete a doctoral thesis in management and its the topic should be both academic and practical.
The written language of the thesis must be English.
Thesis defense will be evaluated by defense committee . Students are required to give an oral presentation in English and complete the Q&A session. 



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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