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  • 学 费:598000
  • 学 制:三年
  • 上课地点:上海、北京
  • 专业方向:DBA
  • 招生院校:拉文大学
  • 关 注:

  美国拉文大学 (University of La Verne)简称ULV,创立于1891年,建校已有132年历史,是美国最古老的国家级大学之一。大学坐落于美国加利福尼亚州拉文市,距离“天使之城”洛杉矶仅35英里,只需要一个小时的车程就可以到达世界闻名的好莱坞、贝弗里山和美丽的亨廷顿海滩。拉文大学在南加州拥有10个校区,开设有商业与公共管理学院、艺术与科学学院、教育学院、健康与社区福利学院和法学院五大学院,并在希腊建立了一所分校。拉文大学是一所极具包容性的大学,推崇终身学习、成功和传统的价值观,有来自德国、西班牙、希腊、中国、印度等世界各地的国际学生就读。

  美国拉文大学于1955年得到美国西部学院协会Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)认证,具有学士、硕士和博士授予资格。大学于1965年设立硕士学位、1979年设立博士学位,目前拥有超过50+本科学位课程、20+硕士学位课程和5个博士学位课程,在所有专业中,商科类专业、传播学、教育学、心理学等,在美国享有盛名。

  在《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)最近公布的2022年度排名里, 拉文大学荣获U.S.News美国全国大学排名第136名,U.S.News最具价值大学排名第66名,U.S.News最佳社会阶层流动排名第7名,其在线课程被U.S.News评为全美最佳课程之一。



  In vitati on from the Preside nt


  The Uni versity of La Ver ne is home to n early 8,000 full- and part-time stude nts who are en rolled in more tha n 70 majors across five colleges and multiple campus locatio ns. They are future lawyers, entrepreneurs, scientists, educators, professionals, and visionaries.

  拉文大学拥有近8,000名全日制和非全日制学生,就读于五所学院和多个校区的70多个专业。 他们是未来的律师、企业家、科学家、教育家、专业人士和具有远见卓识的人才。

  As a stude nt here, you will lear n and grow through disti nctive curricula. The La Ver ne Experie nce, for example, links academic courses with corporati ons, gover nment, and com mun ity orga ni zati ons.

  作为这里的学生,您将通过独特的课程学习和成长。例如,“拉文体验计划” (La Ver ne Experie nce)会将学术课程与企业、政府和社区组织联系起来。

  You will also lear n by doing while making frie nds and establishi ng a pers onal and professional network you will have the rest of your life.


  Our faculty are deeply experie nced and committed professi on als in their fields. All are inv ested in the success of our stude nts and represe nt the cha nging demographics of the coun try; many have multi-cultural roots, and some are the first in their families to go to college.

  我们的教授团队都是在各自领域中经验丰富且敬业的专业人士。他们都致力于帮助学生取得成 功,同时他们也代表了这个国家不断变化的人口结构;他们中的许多人都具有多元文化背景,有一些 则是家中第一个上大学的人。

  The University of La Verne is also vibrant outside of the classroom.


  We have a robust Divisio n III athletics program, frater nity and sorority life, in terfaith cooperatio n, spirituality, n ati on ally recog ni zed speakers and symposia, com mun ity en gageme nt, multicultural adva nceme nt, and honor societies. These activities are available for every stude nt, across our many campuses.

  我们拥有强大的三级体育项目、丰富的兄弟会和姐妹会活动、信仰合作、国家知名的演讲者和座 谈会、社区参与活动、多元文化推进项目和荣誉社团等。这些活动适用于我们各个校区的每个学生。

  This is an extraordi nary time to live and lear n at the Uni versity of La Ver ne. I inv ite you to be a part of it!


  Devorah Lieberma n, PhD







  GPA 3.0及以上









  About the College of Business and Public Management


  The College of Business and Public Management prepares students to become effective leaders and managers in a rapidly changing global environment. Our programs emphasize hands-on learning experiences that address the needs of today's students. Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate student or a working adult looking to enhance your professional career with a certificate, you will learn how to strategize and use the latest technologies to solve real-world problems and enter the workforce career ready.

  商业与公共管理学院旨在将学生培养为瞬息万变的全球环境下的高效领导者和管理者。学院项目 强调通过实践性学习体验满足当今学生的需求。无论您是本科生、研究生还是希望通过证书项目提升 职业生涯优势的在职成年人,都能够通过学习如何制定战略和利用最新技术来解决现实商业问题,并 为职业发展做好准备。

  The College of Business and Public Management offers a variety of undergraduate majors and minor, several master's degree programs, a Doctor of Public Administration, and a Doctor of Business Administration for traditional-aged students and working adults, who are looking to take the next step in their education. In addition to our English-language degrees, a bilingual Mandarin and English Doctor of Business Administration will be offered online in China from Fall 2022. This degree, taught in both Mandarin and English and awarded by the University of La Verne from the US working in partnership with THH Zhidao Education, is designed for senior executives working full-time in China.

  商业与公共管理学院为适龄学生和希望进一步提升教育背景的在职成年人提供各种学士、副学 士、硕士项目,以及公共管理博士和工商管理博士项目。除了英语学位项目,学院还将从2022年秋季 开始,在中国提供工商管理博士在线双语课程。该课程将由拉文大学和清控至道教育合作运营,以中 英双语授课的方式满足中国全职高层管理者的学术提升和自身发展需求。



  The College provides its students with a quality management education that is integrative and immersive. Our educational environment emphasizes the application of theory to management practice and builds conceptual skills and core values needed to become effective leaders and managers in today’srapidly changing global environment.


  In support of this, the College provides undergraduate and graduate programs that serve both traditionalaged and adult students and emphasizes the  knowledge, skills, and values needed in a culturally diverse workplace. The College is also committed to applied scholarly pursuits, and assisting the business,governmental, non-profit, professional, and academic communities.




  The College of Business and Public Management will be recognized as the College of choice for management education in the region. This will be achieved by offering relevant and distinctive educational experience that meets the professional and educational needs of our diverse student body,businesses, community-based organizations, health care providers, and the public sector.


  Dean’s Welcome


  At the College of Business and Public Management, you will discover a relevant,distinctive, and transformational experience that addresses your educational needsand helps you develop professionally.


  Our curriculum encourages you to apply what you learn in the classroom to real  life situations. Through the use of simulations, case studies, consulting, and/ or the creation of their own organizations, our students are encouraged to use  their knowledge of multiple disciplines to solve complex problems and achieve  organizational objectives.


  Employers want people who can solve problems, innovate, communicate, are  ethical, and embrace diversity. That is what our programs address. Our graduates  have a strategic understanding of the functional areas of their discipline, can lead  and institute change, and use technology to promote organizational objectives.


  The academic quality of our courses, the convenience of our schedules, and, more  importantly, the commitment of our faculty and staff, make our programs some of  the most popular in Southern California.


  I hope you seriously consider pursuing your degree at the University of La Verne’s  College of Business and Public Management. It is an investment that will reward you  for a lifetime.


  Emmeline de Pillis, PhD



Emmeline De Pillis
Dean of Business School

Emmeline de Pillis is dean of the College of Business and Public Management at the University of La Verne. She came to ULV in July 2021 from the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Her industry experience includes project management at Hewlett-Packard, designing and delivering management training at Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, and healthcare
research for the Behavioral Sciences Group at the RAND Corporation. She earned her PhD from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, and her bachelor’s
degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of California, San Diego.
Emmeline de Pillis 是拉文大学商业与公共管理学院院长。 她在 2021 年 7 月从夏威夷大学希洛分校来到 ULV。 她有丰富的行业经验,包括惠普的项目管理、夏威夷健康系统公司的设计和提
供管理培训,以及兰德公司行为科学集团的医疗保健研究。 她在南加州大学马歇尔商学院获得博士学位,在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得数学和计算机科学学士学位。




 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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