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育龙在职博士网    http://zzb.china-b.com/    发布时间:2011年03月22日


Section A
  Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words of phrases, marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
  31.An enormous number of people in the world's poorest countries do not have clean water or adequate sanitation ______
  A.capacities       B.facilities       C.authorities       D.warranties
  32.Family-planing clinics give out ______ advices to people who have decided to limit the size of their families.
  A.. insensitive     B.interrogative   C.contraceptive     D.communicative
  33.Caffeine is the ______ drug that will just about get you out of the door on time to catch the bus.
  A.miracle          B.myth           C.trick             D.legend
  34.Today investigators are still far from ______ a master map of the vasculature of the heart.
  A.constituting     B.decoding      C.drafting          D.encoding
  35.I have never seen a more caring, ______ group of piople in my life.
  A.emotional       B.impersonal     C.compulsory       D.compassionate
  36.By the time I reached my residency, I ______ treated the patient as a whole human being.
  A.yearned for      B.broke into     C.pass for          D.made for.
  37.We now obtain more than two-thirds protein from animal resources, while our grandparents ______ only one-half from animal resources.
  A.originated       B.digested        C.deprived          D.derived
  38.Obesity carries an increased risk of ______.
  A.mortality       B.mobility      C.longevity        D.maternity
  39.The best exercise should require continuous ______, rather than frequent stops and starts.
  A.compassion     B.acceleration   C.frustration       D.exertion
  40.Environmental officials insist that something be done to ______ acid rain.
  A.curb            B.sue            C.detoxify          D.condemn
  Section B
  Directions: In this section each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Then mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.
  41.It would be wildly optimistic to believe that these advances offset such a large reduction in farmland.
  A.take in         B.make up       C.cut down        D.bring about
  42.To begin with, it is impossible to come up with a satisfactory definition of what constitutes happy and unhappy marriage.
  A.explain         B.oppose        C.represent        D.propose
43.Politicians often use emotional rather than rational arguments to win the support for their actions and ideas.

  A.applicable       B.favorable       C.sensitive         D.reasonable
  44.Tests are one way for a teacher to assess how much a student has learned.
  A.observe          B.appraise        C.appreciate         D.induce
  45.Through live television, the world is now able to witness historical events as they happen.
  A.reserve          B.confirm         C.perceive           D.transmit
  46.Most experts say that the new tax plan will have a negligible effect on the country's economic problems.
  A.indefinite        B.indispensable      C.infinite           D.insignificant
  47.I don't know how you could have left out the most important fact of all.
  A.omitted          B.fabricated      C.pinpointed        D.embraced
  48.Family and cultural beliefs and norms are important predictors of health-seeking behavior.
  A.formulations    B.standards      C.principles.       D.notions
  49.There must be a systematic approach to retrieving notes and analyzing them.
  A.regain            B.relieving        C.reversing         D.rectifying
  50.To study the distribution of disease within an area, it is useful to plot the case on a map.
  A.mark            B.allocate       C.erase             D.pose

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