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育龙在职博士网    http://zzb.china-b.com/    发布时间:2011年06月09日


  Topic: With her entry into WTO, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, and in particular, for higher- level talents. To face this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate(postgraduate) education system. State your opinion aobut this reform, and give the solid supporting details to your viewpoint.

  With China’s entry into WTO, she is facing a lot of chances and challenges in many aspects. As far as talents are concerned, China is being plunged into an international competition for talents, especially for higher-level talents. In order to adapt this new challenge, China must do something, among other things, to reform her graduate education system.

  In my opinion, we must make some reform and adjustment in graduate education system in many aspects as follows. First of all, from the view of the government, it must adjust its policy of using talents, especially higher-level talents. For example, it may provide many privileges for them.
Secondly, for the viewpoint of the universities, they should adjust their constructure of curriculum. They should pay more attention to the cultivation of graduate’s capability. They should take effective measures to direct their educational goal from exam-oriented education to education for all-round development. Finally, as far as personnel is concerned, a student should pay more attention to the learning of all kinds of knowledge to meet the needs of society.

  In a word, it is high time that we reformed the graduate education system. If we do not make some changes in the graduate education system, we may be failure in the international competition. So we must reform our graduate education system. (219 words)

   点评: 该文紧扣主题,结构严谨,内容充实,语言流畅,句式变化多样。虽有个别小错,但英语表达能力较强,长度符合要求。

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