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育龙在职博士网    http://zzb.china-b.com/    发布时间:2011年09月20日


    Direction: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read four times. During the first reading the passage will be read at normal speed and you are supposed to listen only and try to have a general understanding of it. For the second and third readings the passage will be read sentence by sentence or phrase by phase with an interval of 12-15 seconds in between for writing. The last reading will be done at the normal speed again for you to check up.
  II Vocabulary and Structure (10%)

  Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Circle the one that best completes the sentence.

  1. It was very kind of you to get me something for my birthday, but you me such an expensive present.

  [A] didn‘t need buying [B] needn’t buy [C] needn‘t have bought [D] hadn’t needed to buy

  2. The——of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in the life style of the people.

  [A] manifestation [B] implementation [C] expedition [D] demonstration

  3. He is holding a——position in the company and expects to be promoted soon. [A] subordinate [B] succeeding [C] successive [D] subsequent

  4. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible——and many jobs on campus are reserved for students.

  [A] scales [B] ranks [C] grades [D] patterns

  5. The government gave a very explanation of its plan for economic development. [A] comprehensive [B] compound [C] considerable [D] complacent

  6. In my opinion, you can widen the of these improvements through your active participation. [A] dimension [B] volume [C] magnitude [D] scope

  7.No Tobacco Dayis the day when the world Health Organization to people to stop using tobacco products. [A] asks [B] applies [C] appeals [D] urges

  8. The dentist‘s confident manner me that I was in safe hands. [A] insured [B] assured [C] ensured [D] secured

  9. We prefer that the plan before being put into execution. [A] be fully discussed [B] must be fully discussed [C] will be fully discussed [D] is fully discussed

  10. The sound of footsteps on the bare floor the downstairs neighbors. [A] disturbed [B] interrupted [C] annoyed [D] irritated

  11. I asked him for a job the impression that he was the head of the firm, but he wasn‘t. [A] with [B] under [C] in [D] of

  12. It‘s no good remember grammatical rules. You need to practice what you have learned. [A] trying to [B] try to [C] to try to [D] tried to

  13. The dictator relied on abuse of its opponents on sounding reasoning. [A] more than [B] rather than [C] other than [D] better than

  14. To make the best and the most efficient of your time and to achieve your goals, start each day by your agenda. [A] holding on [B] making out [C] keeping on [D] taking down

  15. Once the question is put, we know try to obtain the answer. [A] to proceed in direction to [B] where direction proceed to [C] in which direction to proceed to [D] which direction proceed toward

  16. During the opera‘s most famous aria, the tempo chosen by the orchestra’s conductor seemed , without necessary relation to what had gone before [A] tedious [B] melodious [C] capricious [D] moderation

  17. It is time the nations of the world a halt to the manufacture of nuclear weapons. [A] would call [B] call [C] called [D] will call

  18.When the drops were placed in the patient‘s eyes, his pupils became . [A] dilated [B] smaller [C] irritated [D] sensible

  19. To visit zoos that simulate the natural habitats of animals of great interest to zoologists. [A] are [B] be [C] were [D] is

  20. Mr. Smith with the government for thirty-seven years by the time he retires. [A] will work [B] will have worked [C] will be working [D] will have been worked
III Sentence Transformation (20%)

  Directions: Rewrite each of the following sentences by using the word (s) below it so that each new sentence means roughly the same as the original one. In some instances it may be necessary to change the tense of the given word (s)。

  1. He is warm-hearted, but this doesn‘t mean that he is bright.(follow)

  2. The manager has asked me to consider this proposal carefully.(consideration)

  3. The garden is too small for a swimming pool.(room)

  4. Increasing the tax on household goods is bound to cause trouble. It‘s asking

  5. The museum is closed this afternoon. There is

  6. Don‘t touch those wires in any circumstances. Under

  7. The small number of potential buyers does not provide a sufficiently large market for this kind of apparatus.(enough)

  8. I was finally able to convince him of its value. I finally succeeded

  9. Film makers understandably lose much of their interest in the genre.(appeal to )

  10. Not all of the people like this movie.(popular)


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