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在职博士网    zzb.china-b.com    发布时间:2024年02月27日    来源:

About the College of Business and Public Management


The College of Business and Public Management prepares students to become effective leaders and managers in a rapidly changing global environment. Our programs emphasize hands-on learning experiences that address the needs of today's students. Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate student or a working adult looking to enhance your professional career with a certificate, you will learn how to strategize and use the latest technologies to solve real-world problems and enter the workforce career ready.

商业与公共管理学院旨在将学生培养为瞬息万变的全球环境下的高效领导者和管理者。学院项目 强调通过实践性学习体验满足当今学生的需求。无论您是本科生、研究生还是希望通过证书项目提升 职业生涯优势的在职成年人,都能够通过学习如何制定战略和利用最新技术来解决现实商业问题,并 为职业发展做好准备。

The College of Business and Public Management offers a variety of undergraduate majors and minor, several master's degree programs, a Doctor of Public Administration, and a Doctor of Business Administration for traditional-aged students and working adults, who are looking to take the next step in their education. In addition to our English-language degrees, a bilingual Mandarin and English Doctor of Business Administration will be offered online in China from Fall 2022. This degree, taught in both Mandarin and English and awarded by the University of La Verne from the US working in partnership with THH Zhidao Education, is designed for senior executives working full-time in China.

商业与公共管理学院为适龄学生和希望进一步提升教育背景的在职成年人提供各种学士、副学 士、硕士项目,以及公共管理博士和工商管理博士项目。除了英语学位项目,学院还将从2022年秋季 开始,在中国提供工商管理博士在线双语课程。该课程将由拉文大学和清控至道教育合作运营,以中 英双语授课的方式满足中国全职高层管理者的学术提升和自身发展需求。





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